At the end of the summer of 2021, four middle school youth set off on a "Mini-Mission Trip" to the far reaches of St. Paul for an immersive experience of cultural learning, meaningful service, and some fun. Our generous hosts, Mosaic Christian Community, shared their church as our basecamp for the weekend. From there we set off to Settled, visionaries of a new "Community First" approach to ending homelessness. We learned about the crisis of homelessness and how Settled plans to use faith communities to create "Sacred Settlements" to house those without homes. We met with Todd from Walking With a Purpose and toured his mobile shopping center and worked with him to prepare supplies for his van. At Woodland Hills Church, home to both Settled and Walking With a Purpose, we got down and dirty and constructed a super-sized ramp to be used at the Mosaic Sacred Settlement. These youth were rockstars, hauling lumber, drilling holes, screwing screws, and having a good time through it all. We also stopped at the George Floyd Memorial, a powerful experience for all. In the end we all agreed, God is still at work...